Inteview with Kate
July 2018

Interview with a successful applicant for a stipend at USA high schools.
We have conducted an interview with our long-time student Kateřina Rychlá. She started attending our courses when she was in primary school and continued until now that is about to leave for an adventure of a lifetime. This is possible due to her succes in a screening process that screens applicants for a year long scholarship at one of American high schools. Katka had to first compose an essay explaining why she would be a perfect fit. The second round consisted of an in-depth interview. She was successful in both – surpassing hundreds of other applicants. We are naturally extremely happy for her, because we know how much effort she put into the whole process. After all, she saw her grow up to be the lovely young lady she now is. Here is a short interview with her:
Stephen: How has coming here contributed to your success?
Katka: Massively. I had never had such a possibility to speak. Not only have I been taught, but also I have been listened to. The confidence I gained during those lesssons was exactly what I needed to succeed.
Stephen: How long have you been attending the school?
Katka: I have been attending Jazyková škola Kouba for, I think, at least 10 years now. Through all those years, we had such a glorious amount of fun within the studying that it basically didn´t feel like learning new things at all. It was great.
Stephen: What about the teachers here?
Katka: With each new teacher we had the pleasure to meet came a new style, new air and a completely different passion about teaching.
Stephen: So, do you really think this “fun experience” as you put it helped in the process?
Katka: Yes, English has become so natural to me. That is why I received that generous scholarship. I wasn´t nervous about my English. I knew I was taught well and I was willing to sell it. And when i say well, I mean brilliantly.
It should be highlighted that only a handful of students from the country were granted this scholarship. There were actually two of our students, who got through the first (essay) part out of hundreds. Unfortunately, it was only Katka who got through the second round. But because the second student is a very determined one, she is going to study there anyway, so we would like to wish her all the luck as well.
Farewell, ladies. We are looking forward to seeing you again sometime.